Third Person

“Third Person” is a VR experience created purely through space, exploration and immersion, challenging the conventional notions of interactive experience in VR. The experience presents three paths with carefully designed perspectives to engage users uniquely with the space and architecture, while exploring immersion in its purest form. This work originated from a theory of mine. Upon experiencing virtual reality artworks, I feel like most of the works are bringing in aesthetics from different mediums, such as film, conceptual art and games, but I feel like we have yet to explore the native aesthetics of Virtual Reality, as a medium. “Third Person” is my second attempt at exploring the relationship of space and experience in VR. In a virtual realm, space only holds meaningful context when it infers scale to the audience, and through it the audience’s presence is reflected and defined, thus the notion of a body is formed. While space establishes existence in the world, pathway infers a meaning and direction, implying progression, an unknown purpose, a narrative, thus an experience is formed. “Third Person” is built upon this idea, at its core, raising the discussion in existence and being within VR.

