Scrolling Times

Marshall McLuhan had quoted that ads are the standout feature in print media, embodying wit and art that often surpass prose. This sentiment extends to our digital age, where news and ads intertwine seamlessly on mobile screens. And we, as a contemporary digital humanity, keep on scrolling towards the endless y-axis to encounter and consume these news, ads, and content. Welcome to the age of digital scrolling. ‘Scrolling Times’ delves into this fusion by allowing audiences to navigate two screens with contrasting content through a single mobile scroll. This juxtaposition mirrors our daily media consumption, where, for example, news about real estate escalation swiftly transitions to an ad for luxury flats. Inspired by Instagram’s grid, ‘Scrolling Times’ symbolises the complex interplay between news and ads, shedding light on the paradoxical forces underlying modern media consumption, all initiated from the single unconscious repetitive act of ‘scrolling’.


Web Art


