Metta Michael

“Welcome to Metta Michael. Today, we have another session of Loving Kindness Meditation. Take your seat. Gently close your eyes. Bring to mind someone you love…” Metta Michael was inspired by a real-life event that happened between me and my wife. After a heated argument, I turned to meditation to clear my mind. The session began as a struggle due to all the emotions that raged within me. Nevertheless, I pressed on. As my emotions settled, I entered a strange zone where I found myself “becoming her”. I felt what she felt and developed incredible empathy and compassion for her. In the film, my real-life wife Wendy played the lead role, representing “me” in this exploration of the unconscious “female psyche” within a man. “Metta Michael” is an existential poem on love, memory, connection, and the transformative power of empathy—a captivating journey into the complexities of relationships and the depths of our shared human experience.


Jiyuan Ler


Video Art


