I tried not to listen but it came back louder

“I tried not to listen, but it came back louder” explores physical tension and the psyche through lens-based moving imagery that transforms the liminal space of the beach into a surreal place. Tangible elements of reality are altered, remixed, and combined with the purely digital or virtual to depict an uncanny juxtaposition between the body and nature, and realism and dream. The beach is a threshold where the intimation of celestial powers is murmured by the vacillation of the tides. It is neither land nor sea, but rather a margin that unveils a space of intensified sensations that are fleeting, idiosyncratic, and fugitive. It provides a threshold for self-awareness, and an exploration of aloneness, isolation, and remoteness. This work is inspired by the invisible world and inner landscapes, spaces where time is stretched to infinity, where delicate shifts of light can create an eternity, and where sound goes beyond hearing.



Video Art


