Haunted Landscapes

The increase in the price of public transport turned within a few days into an unprecedented popular revolt against neoliberal policies in Chile. After months of protest, Santiago was filled with rubble, graffiti, and artistic interventions that showed the deep discomfort of the population with the structures of society. The residual materials left by the protests destabilized the urban progress but also created an opportunity for reimagining public spaces. In this project, I reconstruct Plaza de la Dignidad (the epicenter of the protest) and its surroundings using 3D scans. Buildings and monuments, that were intervened by protesters are re-combined to give birth to a landscape that communicates a different message than the one originally intended. During the protests, Chilean women adopted hoods as symbols of their protest for equality. Collaborating with Chilean and Berlin-based women and the LGBT+ community, we made masks/hoods to create hybrid characters that will inhabit this virtual landscape to challenge the paradigm of binary identity. Viewers are invited to engage with fragments of collective memory as a creative force for collective transformation.


Video Art


