Garden of Ghost Flowers – The Embodiment Archive

GARDEN OF GHOST FLOWERS – THE EMBODIMENT ARCHIVE Lundahl & Seitl & Untold Garden / Sweden & United Kingdom / Virtual Reality (VR) / 2024 / 15 min An ongoing exploration of resonance as a model for intra-action between tech, humans, and the more-than-human. Visitors are invited to witness the creation of virtual ghost flowers which depend on human voices for growth. Garden of Ghost Flowers is a genetic algorithm modelled after the sociological concept of resonance and the Monotropa Uniflora, a tricksterlike organism within ecosystems who abandoned photosynthesis to feed on the energy of underground fungal networks. The Embodiment Archive is a new iteration of Garden of Ghost Flowers which takes you into the memory of a ghost flower created by participants of past performances. This archive lets you experience the recording from a performance at the Nobel Prize Museum on 29th October 2023 with a much higher level of visual detail than what was possible during the performance, letting you immerse yourself in the virtual ecosystems hummed into being by human voices no longer present.