CROWS WALK YAM is a multi-sensory and immersive experience of a British landscape ravaged by the wind. Abstracted images merge temporal and spatial dimensions, disorientating the viewer into the world of the wind. The use of an embodied GoPro by the filmmaker seeks to give agency to the wind – the wind moves the body which moves the camera OR the wind directly moves the camera itself. Through this proximity of wind to camera, the viewer gets the sense of touching the wind. Sound is equally immersive, developing throughout to become a haunting melody by the end. Oral histories recorded via voicemail messages are interwoven, giving brief pauses, reflecting a natural lull in the wind. The film develops the methodology of “sensory ecological ethnography”, playfully using the wind as a wind(ow) through which to see (and ultimately feel) the ecologies, histories, philosophies, and stories of the place.


Video Art

