An edited conversation between Ting, Marc and Tammy

For the project, artist Ting-Ting Cheng invited Paris based Taiwanese artist/researcher Marc Yuchieh Chan and Tammy Hsieh, a researcher of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art, to discuss the articles – “Does Abstraction Belong to White People?” by Miguel Gutierrez, “On Whiteness and Abstraction: Anh Vo with Juliana F. May” which was written in react to the first article, and “Digital discussion: Responding to Miguel Gutierrez’s Article, ‘Does Abstraction Belong to White People?’ by Charemaine Seet and Participating Artists”, a transcription of an online discussion Cheng participated in where a group of artists discussed the first two articles. In the conversation, Cheng, as a previous immigrant in Europe who just moved back to Asia, brought the discussion to the context of Taiwan, examining the complex relationship between race, colonization, identity and art. The project was invited by choreographer Charemaine Seet, and was commissioned by Critical Path (Sydney) for the Digital Interchange Festival 2019-20.


Video Art


