Nour Sokhon

Nour Sokhon is a Lebanese artist based in Berlin, Germany. Her creative practice is centered around exploring different methods of working with artistic research including interview material, field recordings and recorded material from an organized site specific intervention. The research is then translated into sound/music compositions, performances, interactive installations and moving image work. In 2019, Nour received the Emerging Artist Prize at the Sursock Museum in Lebanon, for a moving image piece entitled ‘Revisiting: Hold Your Breath’. Nour has exhibited her artwork internationally. She has also performed in various sound/music festivals such as the Other Worlds Festival 2016 (Blackpool, GB ) the Network Music Festival 2020 (online), This Is Not Lebanon 2021 (Frankfurt, DE), Punkt Festival 2023 (Kristiansand, NO), Gaudeamus Festival 2023 (Utrecht, NL), United in Grief 2024 (Zurich, CH), Vorspiel 2024 (Berlin, DE), Biennale d’Aix (Festival Lips #1 Deep Speech) 2024 (Marseille, FR).

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