MILKORVA (Nicolas Michel)

Milkorva (Nicolas MICHEL) is a French visual artist based in Paris. Holding a master’s degree in Contemporary Art from Sorbonne (Paris), he has specialized in creating generative and immersive installations for several years. His artistic approach primarily focuses on the potential of new technologies as a medium of creation, exploring their capacity to free art from its fixed and time-bound nature. Constantly exploring the connection between the abstract and the figurative and always in search of computerized synesthesia, the artist redefines the role of technology at the core of the production process. The computer dialogue becomes a creative generator that transcends the initial concept. Milkorva’s work is not confined by time or exhibition space. Its continuous evolution offers the viewer the opportunity to engage in a distinctive, personal, and renewable experience. His installations have recently been exhibited at the Boston Museum of Sciences, Planétarium at the Cité des Sciences in Paris, Kinomural in Wroclaw, and Light Night in Leeds.

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