Alexander Walmsley

Alexander Walmsley (UK, b. 1992) is a filmmaker and photographer. In his research-based practice, he investigates how our understanding of the earth is shifting, mediated by the new technological, environmental and social realities of the 21st century. His recent work has been shown at the Daejeon Biennale of Arts and Sciences, Tirana Art Lab, Sharjah Art Foundation, The Photographers’ Gallery, and Ars Electronica. He was a commissioned artist for the Albanian pavilion of the 59th Venice Biennale and was shortlisted for the Deloitte Photo Grant in 2023 and Istanbul 212 Photography Prize in 2021. He is currently a lecturer at the Film University Konrad Wolf in Potsdam, Germany, where is also undertaking an artistic PhD on the subject of real-time representations of the planet.

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