Valentina Berthelon

Valentina is a Chilean media artist based in Berlin. She holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts from the National Art Center of México and a Master’s degree in Kunst und Media from the University of the Arts Berlin. She combines different techniques like video, sound, and VR to create immersive multisensory experiences to explore relationships between art, technology, and society. Her audiovisual pieces aim to show the complexity of the world as an always-changing interconnected system and to use technology to discover and reveal our humanity. Her artistic journey includes appearances at Ars Electronica, Transmedial Vorspiel, Gallery Durchgang Basel, ACUD and Circle Gallery in Berlin. Beyond the gallery walls, she has brought her creations to life through A/V live performances at festivals such as Little Island in Greece, Fiber Festival in Amsterdam, Mapping Festival in Geneva, Strichka Festival in Kyiv, Gamma Festival in Saint Petersburg, as well as Atonal and Dave Festival in Germany, among others.

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