Renaya Renata Dorea

Afro-indigenous multidisciplinary artivist. Born in Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, graduated from the Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts and Design (UFJF) and Photography expanded by EAV Parque Lage. Student at the Escuela Internacional de Cine and TV (Cuba) in Television and New Audiovisual Narratives. Works with visual art, Cinema, Illustration, Urban Art and Design through the self-representation of Afro-Latina women in multiple languages. Member of APAN and co-founder of Coletivo Descolonia. Director of the documentary Afrodites (2016), Suellen e a Diáspora Periférica (2020, itaú cultural award) and Patuá (Cuba, 2022). Curator of national experimental films and the Latin American panorama of the 16th Zózimo Bulbul Black Cinema Meeting, in 2023 she was one of the 150 Afro-Brazilian Artists with an audiovisual trajectory recognized by the Premio Pretas Potencias, a partnership between Pretahub and the Ministry of Culture.



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