Natalia Evelyn Bencicova, Samson G Balfour Smith

Natalia Evelyn Bencicova
Informed by her background in fine art and new media studies, Evelyn’s practice combines an interest in contemporary culture with academic research to create a space in which the conceptual meets the visual. She constructs narrative scenarios that blur the lines between reality, memory, and imagination “fiction based on truth”. Working collaboratively in 3D and VR she became interested in experience itself and where its boundaries can be challenged.

Samson G Balfour Smith – Screen Noise
The Graphic sounds idea comes from Samson’s early childhood dream of making images as the base of sound architecture. He created original digital/analog graphic sound modular synthesis instruments and translated the idea of Graphic audio into visual 2D & 3D organic bodies of magnetic forces. This practice further developed to merging video and 3d render recordings into worlds of immersive soundscapes, where sound acts as an active narrator and protagonist.

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