C’Cesirhe Sedney

C’Cesirhe Sedney is an Arnhem based interdisciplinary artist with a foundation in dance theatre. His work revolves itself around the correlation between dreams, the human psyche and its direct relation to sociology. He starts his works from imagery and improvisation, creating surreal images often portraying themes regarding social anthropological questions. Seen in many productions by Don’t Hit Mama, Asian Persuasion (2015), Big Town (2016), and Mobiel Lab (2017) before co-creating work for Korzo Student Selection with 21 (2021) in collaboration with Margarita Veloso Constantino and I HAVE LIVED EVERYWHERE BUT HERE (2023) at DANSAND!, C’Cesirhe continued, graduating ArtEZ University of the Arts before working closely with Nicole Beutler Projects, touring 8:METAMORPHOSIS, and GINGKO (2023) in and around Europe. Recently, C’Cesirhe choreographed and directed an award winning short film at the FCFF in Cork, Death of Logic (2024), which serves as a pilot of a ‘Dream Series’.

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