Christophoros Alamanis, Maria Karra (Karrma)

Christoforos Alamanis (22) and Maria Karra (22) are students in the Department of Fine and Applied Arts at the School of Fine Arts in Thessaloniki. Christoforos Alamanis is from Larissa, where he presented his first solo exhibition “Soft Decay” in May 2023, exploring Byzantine and Orthodox iconography in relation to his artistic approach. He is also involved in electronic music production and composition, digital animation, while simultaneously conducting personal research on Greek cultural elements through visual arts and music. Maria Karra, a graduate of the Music School of Volos, is developing a poetry collection in combination with game developing and will undertake an internship at ZKM, Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Germany, in the summer of 2024. She is engaged in artistic approach and translation of scientific research, as she combines all the above into multimedia installations.

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