Fabian Driehorst

Arne Hain was born in Starnberg in 1995. Already during his school days Arne realized his own film projects and worked as a production assistant on various short and long film productions. After graduating from high school he gained his first professional experience in the animation field, completed an internship at Beast Animation in Belgium and worked as a camera assistant for Trikk17 in Hamburg. Since 2015 Arne studies animation at the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg. In 2016 and 2017 he created two stop motion animated commercials for NIVEA, which were broadcasted throughout Europe. In 2018 he directed the trailer for the FMX conference. He then worked for Tippett Studios in the US, comping and animating on Phil Tippett‘s „MAD GOD“. He also animated the stop motion holo chess scene for the Disney movie: „Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker“.

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