Ran Slavin

The work of Ran Slavin eludes single descriptors. A self-taught film maker, artist and musician, his work is born from an interweaving relationship of moving images with electronic media. His frequent renewed work draws from new advancements in technology, auteur cinema, anime, urbanism. 2023 saw the releases of 3 LP’s and 7 singles and counting. Film maker, video artist, visual designer and experimental electronic sound composer, Ran Slavin’s work engages with multi-layered cultural tapestries and addresses digital subcultures, virtual, 3D, holographic, AI and the relations between fiction, history, digital intervention and sound. Selected exhibitions: The Lab-Tel Aviv 2023, Bazak Show-Tel Aviv 2023, Imago Mundi Foundation-Italy 2023, The Decentral Art Pavilion at Venice Art Biennale 2022, Nakanojo Biennale-Japan 2021, The Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art-Israel, Mediations Biennial – Poland, Istanbul Biennale, Videoforms-France, Network CCA-Belgium, Museum on the Seam-Jerusalem, Transmediale and Merz-Music-Berlin, Rencontres International-Paris-Berlin-Madrid, Petah Tikva Museum-Israel, New Museum-New York (2016), Halle 14-Leipzig-Germany (2015), The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre-Cyprus (2015) Hong-Gah Museum-Taipei (2014) Kunsthalle -Hannover (2013+2022) Manifesta Satellite events-Belgium (2012), Tel Aviv Museum of Art, honorable mention at Ars-Electronica-Austria. Films have been selected at the POFF Black Nights International Film Festival, Camerimage Film Festival, Haifa and Jerusalem International Film Festivals, Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival, Ficci The International Film Festival of Cartagena De Indias, Asian Film Festival Barcelona, 12th Cinalfama Film Festival, 22nd Shanghai International Film Festival, 10th Cinefantasy International Fantastic Film Festival São Paulo, Cinemasia Amsterdam and many more. Recordings have been released on on Mille Plateaux, Sub Rosa, Cronica, Railcables, Nana Discs, Esoteric Recordings among others and his own Nocturnal Rainbow Recordings. His first monograph artist book has been published by Mousse Publishing in Milano.

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