Lundahl & Seitl / Untold Garden

Lundahl & Seitl formed 2005. The duo is based in Stockholm and works internationally. Their immersive solo projects reinterpret the medium of the exhibition as interpersonal processes via choreography, matter and time. Lundahl & Seitl have developed a method and an art form comprised of staging, choreographed movement, instructions, and immersive technologies, juxtaposed with material objects and the human ability to organize perception into a world. Notions of freedom, autonomy, and what is real, imagined, and perceived are negotiated in an investigation of virtual reality, not as a technology but as an ability. With heightened sensibility to the surroundings, follows an increased insight into how technology makes ‘us’ and lays the ground for ‘our’ human umwelt – how it connects and disconnects us from each other and other life forms and processes. Projects are often perennial and develop into series that sometimes fork out into entirely new works. The practice encompasses curation, gallery exhibitions, site-sensitive solo projects, and collective performances in public spaces. Lundahl & Seitl have been presented around the world, notably in solo shows at Royal Academy of Art (2014), Gropius-Bau (2016), and Kunstmuseum Bonn (2017). Group Exhibitions include the 8th Momentum Biennale of Nordic Contemporary Art (2015), ‘An Imagined Museum’ Centre Pompidou Metz (2016-2017), the 3rd Kochi Muziris Biennale (2016-2017), and the commission: ‘Echoes of Alternative Histories’ at Staatsteater Kassel, during Documenta Fifteen. In the fall of 2022, the duo was visiting artists at the ACT Programme at MIT. Upcoming projects include the Karachi Biennale 2024 and a solo exhibition at Southbank Centre in 2025.

Untold Garden is an award-winning art and design studio based in London and Stockholm. They explore how technology can catalyse interpersonal relationships and enable alternative human experiences. By creating participatory systems, they urge the audience to focus on the relations between each other and speculate on how we might interact in the future. Their experience-driven systems use cutting-edge machine learning technologies and scalable networking infrastructures to unearth new types of ecologies created in the ever-accelerating technological maelstrom. In their projects, they aim to go beyond the distinction between tools and objects and instead see each object as a potential platform to enable new ideas. Their works include physical installations, virtual sculptures, interactive performances, artificial natures and experimental social networks. Untold Garden consists of Max Čelar, Jakob Skote, Michael Brewster, Neeti Kumar and Ronny Westphal, who come from architecture, art and computer science backgrounds. They frequently collaborate with scientists, engineers, sound designers and other artists. They have showcased their work at various notable venues and events, such as the Nobel Prize Museum, BFI London Film Festival, CPH:DOX, STRP, and Magasin III.

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